Venkateshwara Borewells provides smart and reliable solutions to overcome water scarcity in Bangalore in the near future. Bore wells and Water well systems that solve the water issues are the best alternate option. Venkateshwara Borewell, is a well established contractor with more than 40 years of commitment and is certified by the International Certification Registrar (ICR). Venkateshwara Borewells is making citizens proud consumers by using advanced geo-physical methods.Venkateshwara Borewells is approved by Government to provide scientific solutions for domestic, industrial, commercial spaces, prestigious apartments, agricultural fields, construction, institutions and Govt. approved water well projects. We are well-equipped with super fast high pressure hydraulic drilling rig instruments and drilling tools which is used for 4 ½, 6 & 6½ dais borewell drilling.
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